Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Sorry no photos over the past few days. Moving has disrupted things a bit, but I have been taking my self portraits every day. As soon as we have a better internet connection, I'll post everything and catch up.

Thanks for looking!


1 comment:

Nancy Natale said...

Hi Tim,
I've read your art blog before, but just found this one today. I'm sorry you stopped posting because your photos were great and comprised a wonderful eye-witness view of your life in and out of art.

I know that moving can be so disruptive. A couple of years ago I moved both my home and studio at the same time and lost a whole year's worth of working time - a real gap in my resume. But of course my mind and my eye continued with their work, and I was ready to plunge right in when home was mostly settled and the new studio was available.

Love your painting and hope to see your photo self-portraits again soon!

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