Friday, February 29, 2008

60/366: junkie

60/366: junkie

I love doing crossword puzzles. I'm pretty casual about it, though, there are a lot of unfinished ones in my wake. I used to tackle the New York Times puzzle on Sundays, and actually came really close to finishing a couple. I haven't bought the Sunday Times in a while. Money has been tight at times and at $5.00 it's one of those things I can go without for a while.

It's not like there's not other good sources of crosswords. I'm always hunting down the daily Metro and always tackle the ones in the free weeklies here. Not having to pay for the puzzles makes it all the better. I'll even look at papers people have discarded just to see if the crossword hasn't been done. I'm like a kid in a candy shop when I find one on the train or bus. You would think I'd just hit the lottery big from the grin that takes over...

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

58/366: three of me

58/366: three of me

Took a bunch of shots in the studio today, three of which were the inspiration for this image.

It didn't start off like this, but after looking at the poses, I thought that they belonged together in one shot. I was excited about the prospect of multiple images but my 'shop skills are pretty minimal. So, when I got home, I immediately enlisted the superior photoshopping skills of my wife.

I also shot some video footage of me going from one pose to the other. I haven't done any video stuff in a long time. When I did, I was just starting to learn. I'm going to play around with it and see what I can come up with.

57/366: routine

57/366: routine

I'm not usually in front of the glowing screen until after I've had the chance to shower. Tonight was an exception because I hadn't yet taken today's photo. Having a shower right after work and before settling into my nightly computer time is really important. A shower is not only good for the obvious, but it makes me feel like the work day is truly done.

Monday, February 25, 2008

56/366: morning session

56/366: morning session

Getting some work done before returning home, taking a quick shower and going to the other job.

It's good for me to get into the studio before work, even if it's only for a couple of hours, like this morning. No matter how much or little I get done, there's always a sense of satisfaction just having gone. More often than not, I accomplish more than I think I will at the start.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

55/366: hold on a sec...

55/366: hold on a sec...

54/366: better

54/366: better

A week of suffering with a fever blister has come to a close and my body has done a great job of regenerating itself.

I no longer feel like a leper and that's a very good thing.

Friday, February 22, 2008

53/366: reading break

53/366: reading break

One of my favorite contemporary images is a photograph by Jeff Wall titled, After “Invisible Man” by Ralph Ellison, the Prologue, 1999-2000.

An image can be seen here.

I like the idea of the figure being seen from an angle that suggests someone at a distance looking and who hasn't come to the subject's attention. I also like how Wall's subject is almost lost in this claustrophobic environment of light bulbs hanging from the ceiling and other items surrounding him.

Mine isn't nearly as interesting visually, but it's close to the feeling I wanted.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

51/366: ready for some zzzzzzs

51/366: ready for some zzzzs

Almost too tired to think. I was hoping to get some thoughts together to write online, but I can't concentrate and feel like my brain can't string together anything near coherent. I think I just burned it out on this couple of sentences...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

50/366: lost in thought

50/366: lost in thought

I was thinking about tonight's photo all through my shower. When I was finished, I stood outside of the bathroom trying to figure out what I was going to do.

I stood in the hallway seemingly staring off into space but my mind was working through a myriad of potential ideas...and then it occurred to me that I had my shot for the day right there...

Monday, February 18, 2008

49/366: pears

49/366: pears

Came home, took a shower and afterwards, felt a craving for something cold and fruity. I usually like to eat fresh fruit instead of canned, but I remembered that I had this can of pear slices in the 'fridge.

They hit the spot.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

48/366: oh...really?

48/366: hmm...really?

I talk to myself sometimes, especially when I'm trying to solve a problem and my head is too much of a jumble to sort anything out silently. It also helps when I'm by myself and there's no one else around to bounce ideas off of, like when I'm in the studio painting.

Everyone does it and it's essential to the problem-solving process.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

47/366: in there

46/366: in there...

The idea for this shot was about creating a mood of mystery, fright, or plain uncertainty about what's being seen beyond the blurry barrier of the door's panes.

Friday, February 15, 2008

46/366: weave

46/366: left

45/366: peek

45/366: peek

Taken in the 5th floor restroom at the New Museum of Contemporary Art. I rushed this one but that comes with the territory of using public spaces sometimes.

44/366: just out of reach

44/366: just out of reach

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

43/366: is that...?

43/366: is that...?

Noticing the beginnings of what has turned into icy sidewalks and streets tonight. I thought I had a good shot, but after uploading it I saw that it was unintentionally out of focus.

Monday, February 11, 2008

42/366: quarter corner

42/366: quarter corner

Took advantage of sunlight filling a room at work today and upped the exposure a bit to sort of burn out the background.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

41/366: instruments

41/366: instruments

Oh, yes, we do love our pens and pencils. One of the first things my wife and I bonded over was our mutual love of stationary products. It's difficult leaving a place like Staples without wanting to buy at least a pen or three, reams of paper, and any number of folders and notebooks.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

40/366: silver and brown

40/366: silver and brown

I love silver rings.

Never really liked gold much and still don't, at least for myself. I think my feelings about gold were cemented as a teenager in the '80's, when huge gold chains, pendants and rings were the sought-after street status symbol of b-boys (and girls), wanna-be rappers, thugs and everyone else who wanted 'the look' of the times.

Silver has always felt like a good fit for me...and the less extravagant, the better. I don't usually wear this many at one time, either-I can only wear four comfortably.

Friday, February 8, 2008

39/366: working

39/366: working

It's been slow, but I finally feel like I'm moving forward. Not sure where I'm going, but the journey is what makes art exciting for me. By the time I've finished one piece or series, I'm already in a totally different place mentally and emotionally.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

38/366: ha!

38/366: ha!

Jon Stewart siad something funny.

His show is being called, A Daily Show I suppose because of the continuing writer's strike.

Even though the rapid-fire satire isn't as consistent, the ability of public figures (politicians, entertainers, almost anyone on CNN, MSNBC, or Fox, etc...) provide more than enough comedic material to keep the belly laughs going.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

37/366: out there

37/366: out  there

I can usually find something different in the same vantage point that I see every day.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Monday, February 4, 2008

Sunday, February 3, 2008

34/366: full face

34/366: full on

Days like today, when I felt like I didn't have anything of an idea for a photo, are the ones where I surprise myself the most.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

33/366: nap

33/366: nap

Getting to take a nap at work is a very good thing, usually. 20 minutes is about perfect for me, but I can make do with 10 minutes. Naps can be tricky because if its too long, you'll feel groggy afterwards instead of refreshed. If I haven't slept well the night before, a short nap will not do me much good.

Friday, February 1, 2008

32/366: dry inside

32/366: dry inside

It was a perfect rainy day for us to stay indoors and do next to nothing.
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